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Dotfiles is a project mainly written in Shell, based on the MIT license.

My configuration (dotfiles)

= Dot Files

My configuration (dotfiles)

== Installation

git clone [email protected]:dogeth/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

include the following line in your ~/.bash_profile file: source ~/.dotfiles/profile.bash

== Aliases

=== ls

ls # ls -F l # ls -lAh ll # ls -l la # ls -A

=== git

gl # git pull gp # git push gd # git diff gc # git commit gca # git commit -a gco # git checkout gb # git branch gs # git status grm # git status | grep deleted | awk '{print $3}' | xargs git rm gcl # git config --list gcm # git commit -m ga. # git add . gph # git push heroku

=== Rails

sc # script/console ss # script/server sg # script/generate tlog # tail -f log/development.log rst # touch tmp/restart.txt

=== misc.

.. # cd .. reload # . ~/.bash_profile h? # history | grep
