Home > dojo-narwhal-bootstrap


Dojo-narwhal-bootstrap is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Small Narwhal Package to bootstrap Dojo

This is a small package for loading dojo modules.

To Install:

  • Copy the package into your narwhal/packages directory.
  • Put a copy of the dojo (and optionally dojox) modules in the narwhal/packages/dojo/lib/ directory. You should end up having a dojo.js (from this package), a dojo directory containing dojo core, and a dojox directory containing the dojox checkout/src al inside of this directory.

    cd narwhal/packages/dojo/lib svn co http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojo/trunk dojo svn co http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/dojox/trunk dojox

To Use:

// load dojo base js> require('dojo');

// then just use dojo like normal. For example, for DTL: js> dojo.require('dojox.dtl'); [object Object] js> var t = new dojox.dtl.Template("{{test||upper}}"); js> var c = new dojox.dtl._Context({test: "hello world"}); js> t.render(c); HELLO WORLD
