Home > dollar-sign-math


Dollar-sign-math is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

A JavaScript framework that aims to help developers with mathemtaical functions.

Dollar Sign Math

Dollar Sign Math ($math) is a javascript framework designed to give developers easy access to mathematical functions and processes. The entire framework is free to use and easy to understand.


$math.sum([1,2,3,4,5]) = 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 $math.paddFront(2, 7) = 00000002 $math.positive(-2) = false $math.min([1,6,2,6,8,3,8,9,3,-1]) = -1 $math.mean([22,67,10,1,6,8,8,3,32]) $math.mode([1,6,6,2,2,7,9,4,3,2]) $math.gcf(24, 2) $math.lcm(100, 250) $math.fraction(.75) = 3/4 $math.summation(function (x) { $math.pow(x,2); }, 1, 10); $math.addFract([3,4], [1,2])

Older Revisions


Talk to the developer (Adam Shannon) at [email protected], or right here on github!

http://dollarsignmath.org http://ashannon.us