Home > drag_drop_UC


Drag_drop_UC is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A drag and drop interface for Universal Controller API

This is a rough basic version of a drag and drop html / javscript EPG client for the a Universal Control API-enabled instance of MythTV: https://github.com/bbcrd/UCMythTV/wiki


This is a first pass only! Lots of things are wrong and lots of things don't work properly.

==Before you start==

  • make sure mythtv backend is running (if you use the UC mythtv version it should automatically run on starting up the machine)

ps ax | grep myth

  • make sure mythtvfrontend is running


  • make sure UC server is running

/opt/uc/ucserver &


This assumes you have apache2 webserver up and running (the UC version of MythTV has this).

cd /var/www/ mkdir dd #or anything except 'uc' cd dd unzip dd_uc.zip sudo cat htaccess_sample >> ../.htaccess

then go to


on that machine or another on the local network.

and you should see a 'TV' and a series of boxes with information about what's on on each channel. Drag a programme box to the TV to play it.


It's all down to these libraries:

  • jquery drag and drop ui http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/

  • touch jquery addon