Home > droidgiro-server


Droidgiro-server is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Server for relaying invoice data

agiro server

Proposed backend for the Android OCR scanner project, agiro.


Dev server

Start the dev server.

./dev_appserver.py /path/to/agiro-server/app/

Get token for the user [email protected] to use in later requests to the server.

curl http://localhost:8080/_ah/login 
    -d "[email protected]&action=Log+In" 
    -c -

Make request to the server with the auth token.

Replace with the contents of dev_appserver_login example [email protected]:False:185804764220139124118. That request will then be signed with [email protected] account token.

curl http://localhost:8080/invoices 
    -d "reference=123456" 
    -d "document_type=bla" 
    -b "dev_appserver_login="<PLACE COOKIE HERE>"; Path=/;"


Obtain auth token for the user.

curl https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin 
    -d Email=<YOUR EMAIL> -d Passwd=<YOUR PASSWORD> 
    -d accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE 
    -d source=agiroapp 
    -d service=ah

This will return something like.


Take the content of Auth and use in the next request.

curl -c - 

This will return the ACSID cookie that we will use when making request to the api.

#HttpOnly_agiroapp.appspot.com  FALSE   /   FALSE   1294864134  ACSID   AJKiY...

Now we can add new invoices for the authenticated user.

curl http://agiroapp.appspot.com/invoices 
    -d "reference=123456" 
    -d "document_type=bla" 
    -H "Cookie: ACSID=AJKiY..."

And list the recent added invoices.

curl http://agiroapp.appspot.com/invoices 
    -H "Cookie: ACSID=AJKiY..."