Home > drush-aliases


Drush-aliases is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A shell script that defines a bunch of aliases for drush fun and profit

Drush Aliases for Bash


Here's my .drush_aliases file for defining Bash aliases for drush. The main differences from the one provided in the drush 5.x dev version are the usage of modern command substitution, $ vs. the backtick and a provision for finding out the location of drush if not available in a site wide basis that relies on alias.


  1. Copy the drush_aliases file to a convenient location — I suggest your home directory.

  2. Add to your .bashrc or .bash_profile the following code:

     if [ -f ~/.drush_aliases]; then 
        source ~/.drush_aliases

This code assumes that your .bash_aliases resides in your home directory.
