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DSPA is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm in Scala

  1. Introduction

This library implements Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm in Scala.

  1. Requirements and dependencies

The project is built using Scala 2.9.0-1. The build environment requires SBT 0.7.7 Unit and Acceptance tests require Specs2

  1. Usage

Clone the project Run sbt in the project directory If necessary, run update to get specs2 dependencies Do "run" to solve examples and print results to console Do "test" to run unit and acceptance tests

  1. Implementation

The main algorithm can be found in DSPA.run. This method receives a set of data consisting of a list of tuples of format (NodeNameA, NodeNameB, Weight) and the name of the start node. An optional parameter indicates if the code should consider the graph directed or undirected. Default is undirected. Note: the weight of an edge isa positive integer number, with Integer.MAX_VALUE being considered "infinity"

The output is a map of NodeName -> (Distance, List(NodeNames)), containing shortest distance as well as shortest path from origin to each node.If there is no path from origin to a node, the algorithm returns NodeName -> (Integer.MAX_VALUE, List())

Internally, the code uses two helper classes: Edge: basic immutable encapsulation of a directed edge Node: mutable encapsulation of a Node, containing a list of edges to neighboring nodes, as well as var members for distance, previous node on shortest path and visited flag.

The graph is represented internally by a map of NodeName -> Node and by the reference relationships between nodes and edges.