Home > dynare-fixer


Dynare-fixer is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A preprocessor for the Dynare dynamic equation system.

================== Dynare Fixer

This allows you to add functions within Dynare. Before your model section you can declare any functions you might want to use in your code.

For example, here is a Cobb-Douglas production function:

def f(l, k) = l^alpha * k^beta;

The derivatives you still need to do manually:

def f1(l, k) = alpha l^(alpha - 1) k^beta; def f2(l, k) = beta l^alpha k^(beta - 1);

Then somewhere in your model section you might have an Euler equation something like this (where u2 is a partial derivative of a utility function):

u2(c, l) = beta * u2(c(+1), l(+1));

================== Dependencies

To use Dynare Fixer, you have to have the Ruby programming language installed. In Ubuntu this can be done easily:

sudo apt-get install ruby

Then to run you use it like this:

ruby dynare_fixer.rb INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE

Where INPUT_FILE is the .mod file with the function declarations, and OUTPUT_FILE is where the outputted valid Dynare code will go.
