Home > dyndatetime


Dyndatetime is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

a jQuery date+time picker

  • dynDateTime: a jQuery date+time picker
  • http://plugins.jquery.com/project/dyndatetime
  • http://code.google.com/p/dyndatetime
  • Author: [email protected]

This jQuery plugin makes it easy to add date and time selection to single textfield inputs.


This example will make all input elements tagged with the 'dateField' class. There are plenty of options for configuration; see details in documentation.

The options (and plenty of code) are taken from the calendar-setup.js, and most options (all, except top 3 listed below)
are unchanged from the original Dynarch code. For full docs, see:


Changed opts  | description
displayArea   | (String) relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first element and show the date in it. eg ".siblings('div.dispArea')"  
button        | (String) relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first element and bind show/hide event for calendar. eg ".siblings('button')"
flat          | (String) relative jQuery traverse method(s); find first element and place the flat calendar within. eg ".parent().siblings('div.flatCal')"

The above all use jQuery traverse methods as detailed here: http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing

option        | description
eventName     | event that will trigger the calendar, without the "on" prefix (default: "click")

flatCallback  | function that receives a JS Date object and returns an URL to point the browser to (for flat calendar)
dateStatusFunc| function that receives a JS Date object and should return true if that date has to be disabled in the calendar, or String for CSS classes.
onSelect      | function that gets called when a date is selected.  You don't _have_ to supply this (the default is generally okay)
onClose       | function that gets called when the calendar is closed.  [default]
onUpdate      | function that gets called after the date is updated in the input field.  Receives a reference to the calendar.

date          | the date that the calendar will be initially displayed to

ifFormat      | date format that will be stored in the input field
daFormat      | the date format that will be used to display the date in displayArea
timeFormat    | the time format; can be "12" or "24", default is "12"

showsTime     | default: false; if true the calendar will include a time selector
align         | alignment (default: "Br"); if you don't know what's this see the calendar documentation
range         | array with 2 elements.  Default: [1900, 2999] -- the range of years available
singleClick   | (true/false) whether the calendar is in single click mode or not (default: true)
firstDay      | numeric: 0 to 6.  "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display Monday first, etc.
weekNumbers   | (true/false) if it's true (default) the calendar will display week numbers
electric      | if true (default) then given fields/date areas are updated for each move; otherwise they're updated only on close
step          | configures the step of the years in drop-down boxes; default: 2
position      | configures the calendar absolute position; default: null
cache         | if "true" (but default: "false") it will reuse the same calendar object, where possible
showOthers    | if "true" (but default: "false") it will show days from other months too

debug         | if "true" (but default: "false") write to firebug console

It is a fork of Dynarch.com's (LGPL) DHTML Calendar v1.0, and the initial codebase is little more then a jQuery wrapper.

Author: Mihai Bazon, [email protected] http://dynarch.com/mishoo/ http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/

The fork source is wonderful tool that ceased LGPL development in 2005.