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Easy-automation is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Friendly Automation Testing Framework

Easy Automation

Friendly Automation Testing Framework, tired of update every single test when developers change an XPath, id, class, etc? This is for you.

Why another automation testing framework?

Challenges when developing automated tests

  • FrontEnd is always changing, and it's hard to get tests up to date, any small change, id renamed, nested table, etc, breaks all the tests
  • Separate components in order to allow easy patching for new changes.
  • Some tests depend in other
  • If you need to update data used by test, you touch test code


This framework uses common patterns to make maintainability easy and scalable tests. It's divided in:

  • Pages, mapped to actual pages on your systems
  • Page Elements, defining every single element in your pages needed by tests, each element has actions
  • Test, tests checking your site
  • Data for Tests, do you want to modify login credentials or run it using different ones? change it in a single place, and you're done
  • Runner, you can group multiples tests to perform full tests, run stable ones, smock check, etc.
  • Hooks, do you want to call a service that resets the db before every single test? it's already implemented.


We will implement kind of MVC pattern for automation testing, separating xpath's information, data for tests and the runner.

+---------+       +----------------------+
| Pages   |<------| EasyAutomation::Page |
+---------+       +----------------------+
     |   +----------+
     |   | Elements |
     v    +----------+
+---------+       +----------+       +-------------+
| Suite   |<----->| Runner   |<----->| Selenium RC |
+---------+       +----------+       +-------------+
     ^    +--------+
     |   /|  Data  |
     |  / +--------+
+---------+       +----------------------+
| Tests   |<------| EasyAutomation::Test |
+---------+       +----------------------+

Instead of work with actions => elements, we can use element => actions Normally: Selenium.click('id:btn') Selenium.enter('id:input_text', 'Text')

With this framework: page.btn.click page.input_text.enter('Text')

You have a lot of actions to use with your page elements, click, text, enter, etc.

More Reference: http://selenium.rubyforge.org/rdoc/classes/Selenium/

Runner - Configuring your tests

You can change any behaviour using EasyAutomation::Runner.config helper, options: EasyAutomation::Runner.configure do |config|

Selenium Configurations

  config.url = "http://www.google.com"
  config.browser = "*safari" # "*firefox", "*chrome"
  config.selenium_port = 4444
  config.selenium_timeout = 1000
  #if specified, it won't start selenium RC and will attempt to connect to remote selenium server
  config.selenium_host = "localhost"

  # Hooks
  config.before :all do
    puts 'Starting Tests'
  config.after :all do
    puts 'Tests finished, halting'

  config.before :each_test do
    # Do something
  config.after :each_test do
    # Do something

  config.before :each_suite do
    # Do something
  config.after :each_suite do
    # Do something

You can modify the behaviour via command line arguments, it's very useful when you want to run the same tests against different url, browser, etc, for example: bundle exec ruby example.rb --url=http://google.com This will run the example provided against http://google.com instead of http://www.google.com defined on the configure block, another example:

bundle exec ruby example.rb --url=http://images.google.com --browser=*safari

This will run example tests against images.google.com using safari browser


Bundler: echo "gem 'easy-automation' " >> Gemfile bundle install

Gems: gem install easy-automation




main_page.rb class MainPage < EasyAutomation::Page def login_field @browser.text_field(:id, @elements.login) end def password_field @browser.text_field(:id, @elements.password) end end

mainpage.yml login: xpath=id('login') password: xpath=id('password')

main_page_test.rb class MainPageTest < EasyAutomation::Test def initialize test_name, path = 'data' super(test_name, path) end

  def login_failed_test
    main_page = MainPage.new(@browser, 'elements')
    main_page.login_field.type @data.email
    main_page.password_field.type @data.password
    assert_true main_page.include?"wrong email/password combination with: #{@data.email}"

mainpagetest.yml login_failed_test: email: [email protected] password: pasguord

runner_demo.rb require 'rubygems' require 'easy-automation' Dir["#{File.dirname(FILE)}//.rb"].each { |f| require f }

EasyAutomation::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.url = "http://www.google.com"
  config.browser = "*safari"
  config.before :all do
    puts 'Starting Tests'
  config.after :all do
    puts 'Tests finished, halting'
demo_suite = EasyAutomation::Suite.new('Demo')
EasyAutomation::Runner.run demo_suite

Find some working code under examples folder, to see it search exmple on action, execute: cd examples/search bundle exec ruby example.rb


  • More hooks [before|after] [:all|:each] [:test|:suite]
  • Update Selenium gem to use latest selenium-RC and fix weird firefox crashes.
  • Multi browser
  • Arguments via command line, done
  • Wait for element to be loaded event
  • Rake integration
  • Retry on failed tests
  • Parallel tests
  • Nice test results
  • Remote Selenium RC/Grid
  • History graphs
  • Performance analysis graphs

Order may matter

Version Changes

From 0.0.1 to 0.0.2

  • Multiple browsers support
  • [before|after] [:all|:each] [:test|:suite] hooks
  • Remote Selenium RC

From 0.0.2 to 0.0.3

  • Arguments support

From 0.0.2 to 0.1.0

  • Retry failed tests
  • Better test reporting
  • Selenium Grid integration


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Fixing your bugs")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_branch)
  5. Create an [Issue][1] with a link to your branch
  6. Enjoy a refreshing Beer and wait

About the Author

Crowd Interactive is a Ruby and Rails consultancy firm powered by a team of enthusiast engineers who love programming. We turn your ideas into web applications, and we like challenging projects. We also have a lot of experience in retail, so it doesn't matter if your idea is about something you'd like to sell, we can surely help you.
