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Eecsabet is a project mainly written in PHP and PERL, it's free.

EECS ABET Objectives Management Web Page

EECS ABET Objectives Management Webpage

Used by Oregon State's School of EECS to track ABET objectives and Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) for courses.

index.php: The main page. Used to view and update CLOs objectives.

approve.php: Used to submit changes to CLO assessment areas and satisfactory scores.

assessments.php: Contains Assessment and AssessmentSet classes to help with approve.php and finalize.php.

comments.php: Contains functions for submitting course comments.

db.php: Contains MySQL database utilities.

debug.php: Configures PHP to display errors.

finalize.php: Used to submit changes to all CLO metrics.

procedures.sql: MySQL stored procedures. Not to be included in production web directory.

resend.php: Resends links to staff members.

style.css: Defines the default style for web pages.

tables.sql: MySQL table design. Not to be included in production web directory.

triggers.sql: MySQL trigger design. Not to be included in production web directory.

util.php: Contains functions for cleaning inputs.

views.sql: MySQL view design. Not to be included in production web directory.

*/readme.html: Readme file with information on how to use the tools in the directory.

cron/: Contains cron scripts for periodical emails and state changes.

cron/nag.pl: Checks for instructors which have not filled out their forms and sends nagging emails.

cron/state.pl: Checks the current week of the year, updates the term state as necessary and sends out emails.

tools/: Contains administrative tools to manage the website and database.

tools/index.php: Allows a user to access tools pages and select a course for use with the CLO and prerequisite tools.

tools/syllabus.php: Contains functions for displaying a course's ABET syllabus.

tools/clo/index.php: Forms for adding new CLOs to a course, reordering existing CLOs for a course, and removing CLOs from a course.

tools/clo/create.php: Creates a new CLO and adds it to MasterCLO for the course.

tools/clo/remove.php: Removes a CLO from a course.

tools/clo/reorder.php: Changes the ordering of CLOs within a course without altering past CourseInstances.

tools/course/index.php: Form for creating a new Course.

tools/course/create.php: Creates a new Course.

tools/course-assessment/index.php: Displays course assessment information.

tools/course-assessment/get-info.php: Gets course assessment information.

tools/course-assessment/get-instructor.php: Gets a list of instructors for a given course and term.

tools/course-assessment/get-offerings.php: Gets a list of courses which have finalized instances.

tools/course-assessment/get-terms.php: Gets a list of terms that a given course has been offered.

tools/course-content/index.php: Forms for creating and deleting CourseContent.

tools/course-content/create.php: Creates new CourseContent.

tools/course-content/remove.php: Deletes CourseContent.

tools/course-instance/index.php: Form for creating a new CourseInstance.

tools/course-instance/create.php: Creates a new CourseInstance.

tools/improvement/index.php: Form for editing curriculum improvement messages.

tools/improvement/get-improvement.php: Gets improvement text for a given outcome.

tools/improvement/get-outcomes.php: Gets a list of outcomes by department.

tools/improvement/submit.php: Submits information from tools/improvement/index.php.

tools/instructor/index.php: Form for creating a new instructor.

tools/instructor/create.php: Creates a new Instructor.

tools/learning-resources/index.php: Forms for creating and deleting LearningResources.

tools/learning-resources/create.php: Creates new LearningResources.

tools/learning-resources/remove.php: Deletes LearningResources.

tools/prerequisite/index.php: Form for adding and removing prerequisite courses.

tools/prerequisite/create.php: Adds a prerequiste course.

tools/prerequisite/remove.php: Removes a prerequisite course.

tools/program-outcome/index.php: Displays program outcome information.

tools/program-outcome/get-info.php: Prints a table of program outcome information. To be loaded with AJAX.

tools/program-outcome/get-info.php: Prints a list of outcome options for a given department. To be loaded with AJAX.

tools/state/index.php: Displays the current term, the term's state, any instructors that have yet to complete their forms,and allows the administrator to make courses ready for finalization.

tools/state/nag.php: Sends nagging emails to all instructors that have yet to complete their forms.

tools/state/ready.php: Advances the TermState and all CourseInstances for the current term to Ready and sends out notification emails.

tools/syllabus/dump.php: Dumps ABET syllabi for all current courses to folder.

tools/syllabus/index.php: Writes a course's ABET syllabus to a file in LaTeX format and then redirects the user to download that file.

tools/syllabus/latex.php: Contains a function for dumping ABET syllabus to file in LaTeX format.

tools/terms-offered/index.php: Form for altering the terms a course is offered.

tools/terms-offered/submit.php: Submits changes in terms that a course is offered.
