Home > sinatra_template


Sinatra_template is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Sinatra Skeleton - intended to be used with Heroku's Cedar stack.

Sinatra template

This is a simple Sinatra template that adds basic features like a reloader for development, js/css packaging and a basic structure for configurations/initializers.

It comes with no ORM by default so you can choose your own. I'll be adding a couple of branches with some examples (like mongodb-mongoid, redis-ohm, etc.).


├── Gemfile
├── Procfile
├── Rakefile
├── app
│   ├── js
│   ├── models
│   ├── routes
│   │   └── homepage.rb
│   └── views
│       ├── home.haml
│       └── layout.haml
├── config
│   └── unicorn.rb
├── config.ru
├── environments.rb
├── init.rb
├── initializers
│   ├── css.rb
│   └── js.rb
└── test
    ├── home_test.rb
    └── test_helper.rb

You can specify environment specific configs in environments.rb. And also have initializers for js/css/orms/etc in the initializers folder, which will be automatically loaded with the app.

This skeleton has a basic test folder and uses minitest, with the turn gem, which is pretty cool. It will also try to load ruby 1.9.3 by default if you have RVM, which will make your tests run fast.

Run it locally

First of all you'll need to run the bundle command.

You can just use Pow!, which takes 2 secs to set up. Or if you need to run multiple processes at the same time to load your app, you could consider using Foreman. Or you can obviously just run ruby init.rb.


Read this which has some cool benchmarks and explains how to use unicorn with heroku to get the most out of their free plan.

Then you can read this if you want the full Heroku documentation to deploy a sinatra app to the Cedar stack.


Released under the L.U.C.A.S license: Basically if you are reading this you already owe me money.
