Home > layout


Layout is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

packrat parser combinators in scala for dealing with Haskell-style layout in linear time for visibly pushdown languages

layout is a set of parser combinators for parsing Haskell-style layout in scala. It is based on the source of PackratParsers.scala from the 2.8.0 standard library by Martijn Odersky and Adriaan Moors.

layout is released under a BSD open source licence

The source code for layout is hosted on GitHub: http://github.com/ekmett/layout

Snapshots and Releases published to the repository at maven.comonad.com

Build Instructions

The root directory of the project contains the SBT launcher, shell script, and Windows command script.

This is the directory structure of the build.

- project + -build + - layout.scala Project Definition, containing module structure, compiler options, cross module dependencies, etc. - build.properties Version of SBT, Scala, and layout A different version of Scala is used to run SBT and compile the Project Definition than is used to compile layout -target Compiled Project Definition
+-boot Versions of Scala Compiler and Library.
-src +
-main +
-scala Source files
-test +
-scala Test source files
-lib_managed Managed Dependencies for this module, e.g. Scalacheck.
-target +
- All built artifacts (classes, jars, scaladoc) for module N
                             built for version M of Scala.
  1. ./sbt update (this step is required after a fresh checkout, after changing the version of SBT, Scala, or other dependencies)
  2. ./sbt [compile | package | test-compile | test | publish-local | publish]

For continuous compilation:

$ ./sbt

~ compile

For other options, read: http://code.google.com/p/simple-build-tool/wiki/DocumentationHome

To create an external dependency on this in your sbt build.scala use:

val comonadMaven = "comonad.com Maven Repository" at "http://maven.comonad.com/" val layout = "com.comonad" %% "layout" % "0.1"
