Home > Element.Style.Transform.js


Element.Style.Transform.js is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Provides a cross browser way of letting you use the CSS3 transform property. Inspired by http://github.com/zachstronaut/jquery-css-transform


Provides a cross browser way of letting you use the CSS3 transform property. Inspired by http://github.com/zachstronaut/jquery-css-transform

ie support isn't there yet

As this post explains near the end: http://www.zachstronaut.com/posts/2009/02/22/jquery-patch-css-transform.html Using IEs matrix filter directly can make it possible to animate it. However the Matrix Filter is anything but easy to wrap your head around: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533014(VS.85).aspx So please be patient :)

How to Use

$('box').set('transform', 'scale(2)')
        .get('transform');           // Returns 'scale(2)'

        .getTransform();              // Returns 'rotate(15deg)'

$('box').getStyle('transform'); unfortunately does not work. Neither does setStyle. I haven't found a way to extend those methods to make it work cross browser engine yet. So with those, you'll have to use the correct browser vendor prefixes.

$('box').getStyle('webkit-transform') // Safari and Chrome
        .getStyle('moz-transform')    // Firefox
        .getStyle('o-transform');      // Opera