Home > elephant.js


Elephant.js is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

Elephants never forget, a simple JavaScript localStorage wrapper.


Elephants never forget


Elephant.js is a simple localStorage wrapper that serializes and deserializes JavaScript objects to a single JSON object using window.localStorage if available.

Browser Support

If window.localStorage isn't available Elephant.js will try to fallback on cookies - but this isn't really reliable for data sets bigger than 4kb. It could also hurt HTTP performance by unnecessarily burdening all HTTP transactions with possible huge cookies.

Use at your own risk.


Where does an elephant keep his clothes?

In his trunk!

// Setup a store
var store = new Elephant.Trunk('mystore');

// Save a monkey
var monkey = {
    name: 'Bobo',
    age: 3,
    abilities: ['sign language', 'eating bananas']

monkey = store.save(monkey);

// Saved objects get guids

// Object
//  abilities: Array[2]
//      0: "sign language"
//      1: "eating bananas"
//      length: 2
//      __proto__: Array[0]
//  age: 3
//  guid: "53b425a6-47cb-462c-9498-ba236becee06"
//  name: "Bobo"
//  __proto__: Object

// Find a monkey
store.find(monkey.guid) === monkey; // true

// Destroy a monkey
monkey = store.destroy(monkey);

monkey.guid === undefined; // true


  • Implement cookie fallback
  • Look at msgpack instead of JSON
  • Make Backbone.sync compatible


MIT License, use this for whatever you want, but at your own risk. See LICENSE.
