Home > emacs-pod-cperl-mode


Emacs-pod-cperl-mode is a project mainly written in PERL and EMACS LISP, it's free.

Emacs multi-mode for cperl in pod verbatim blocks

pod-cperl-mode.el - Emacs multimode for cperl in pod verbatim blocks


Have those modes available in your load path:

pod-mode.el cperl-mode.el multi-mode.el

Now additionally put


into your load-path and the following into your ~/.emacs:

(autoload 'pod-cperl-mode "pod-cperl-mode")

To associate pod-cperl-mode with .pod files add the following into your ~/.emacs

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(".pod$" . pod-cperl-mode))

=> You probably already have a suffix association for plain pod mode, deactivate that in favour of pod-cperl-mode.

Author: Steffen Schwigon [email protected] License: GPL 3 Tested: i386-linux with GNU Emacs 23

This mode is frivolously stolen from haskell-latex-mode.

I'm interested in comments/enhancements/bugfixes.