Home > Embedded-Interaction-Workshop-at-HK-PolyU-SD


Embedded-Interaction-Workshop-at-HK-PolyU-SD is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

Our interactive architecture project at the Hong Kong Polytechnic Universiy School of Design (MDes Interaction Design 2011)

Our project for the Embedded Interaction Workshop course with Michael Fox, at the HK PolyU School of Design (MDes Interaction 2011).


  1. Start the VLC streams of the two webcams (/dev/video0 and /dev/video1). Encode in WMV format (only that seems to work for webcams) and output to HTTP, port 8080 and 8082 respectively, at /stream.
  2. Plug in the Arduino boards in order. Each will become accessible at /dev/ttyUSBx where x is the order it was plugged in, starting at x=0 (/dev/ttyUSB0 is the first).
  3. Make the Arduinos (/dev/ttyUSBx) write to the named pipes which will control the video squares, using arduino2mplayer.sh.
  4. Run ./twelveVideos.sh to start the videos with MPlayer in slave mode.