Home > Embryos


Embryos is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

A set of C programs to play around with toy models, puzzles and brain teasers, and simple embryonic libraries that one day might become useful (for me at least)

Embryos Git Repo

I have opened this repository to store the small projects that I start with educational or recreational purposes. I always keep feeling that one day these little programs might become useful in a way, at least for myself.

  • GA Genetic algorithm toy model implementation. Have a look to the readme in the folder. It is a very short and easy-to-understand implementation in C following the instructions of the tutorial 8 of the Artificial Intelligence course from the University of Otago. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc343/Tutes/t08-ga.pdf

    Author: Gonzalo S Nido [email protected]
