Home > emencia-django-tracking


Emencia-django-tracking is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Track activities on your models for displaying the site activity in your Django projects.

======================= Emencia Django Tracking

The problematic was :

I wrote some articles, and updated many pages on my Django website, how can I inform my visitors of these updates ?

Emencia.django.tracking allows you to track the activities of your models and display them on a timeline without changing the models' code.

.. contents::


Better than a long speech, here is a list of the main features :

  • No need to change your models.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Views and template tags to display the activities.


You can retrieve the last sources from http://github.com/Fantomas42/emencia-django-tracking and run the installation script ::

$> python setup.py install

or use pip ::

$> pip install -e git://github.com/Fantomas42/emencia-django-tracking.git#egg=emencia.django.tracking


Then register emencia.django.tracking and contenttypes in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your project's settings. ::

INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... # Your favorites apps ... 'django.contrib.contenttypes', ... 'emencia.django.tracking',)

The Registry

Now create a python module somewhere in your project, for example tracking.py in your project directory (let's suppose it is called "project"), and add something like the following line to your project's settings : ::

TRACKING_REGISTRY = 'project.tracking'

In the tracking.py module we will register the models we want to track. Imagine we have a model named News with a description and title field.

from emencia.django.tracking import tracking from emencia.django.tracking import TrackingOptions

from myapp.models import News

class NewsletterTracking(TrackingOptions): description_fields = ('title', 'content',)

tracking.register(Newsletter, NewsletterTracking)


In your project urls.py add this following line to serve the views packaged in the app. ::

url(r'^tracking/', include('emencia.django.tracking.urls')),

This urlset provides many views to display these activities :

/ Display the latest activity of each model instance tracked in a recent period.

/all/ Display all the activities tracked.

/recents/ Display all the recent activities tracked.

/inserts/ Display all the creations of models tracked.

/recent_inserts/ Display the recent creations of models tracked.

/changes/ Display all the changes of models tracked.

/recent_changes/ Display the recent changes of models tracked.

/uniques/ Display all the latest activity of each model instance tracked.


Now you can run a syncdb to install the models into your database.