Home > enfarmer


Enfarmer is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Extension of the Enumerable class to allow parallelization of jobs over a farm

This is an attempt at writing an Array method that runs a block on each of its elements on a farm.

Syntax might look like this:

  list_of_files.parallelize(:queue => 'urgent',
                            :max_concurrent => 5,
                            :select => '[mem >= 1000]') do |file_name|
    File.open(file_name).each do |line|
      # do something

There should also be a way to know what the exit code of the job is.

This would be equivalent to the approach followed at the moment:

  • Write a script that takes a filename as argument (e.g. called script.rb).

    File.open(ARGV[0]).each do |line|
    # do something
  • Write a bash script that calls script.rb for each file:

    script.rb file_1.txt
    script.rb file_2.txt
    script.rb file_3.txt
    script.rb file_4.txt
  • Submit this bash script as a job array:

    bsub -J"foobar[1-50]%10" ...