Home > EngiChess


EngiChess is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

AI based Chess Program written in C++

-=EngiChess=- Engichess is a project intending to create a full fledged AI based Chess program, capable of competitively playing chess against a human being.

The Chess engine will be written in C++ and the GUI will (most probably) use OpenGL.

The project is being undertaken by students of the Computer Engineering Department at Goa Engineering College, Ponda, Goa

-=Source Code=- Compiled using Codeblocks V. 8.02 on a machine running Windows 7

-=Contact=- Navin Pai lifeofnavin[at]gmail[dot]com (@navinpai on Twitter) Damodar Dukle ddukle21[at]yahoo[dot]com

-=Websites=- College Website: http://gec.ac.in Author Website: http://lifeofnavin.blogspot.com
