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Environs is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.



A list of Puppet[1] configs for use with Vagrant[2] for VirtualBox vms for use in general local web-dev'ing. Based off an initial Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 (64-bit image).

[1] http://www.puppetlabs.com

[2] http://www.vagrantup.com


  1. dev - A basic web dev vm for nodejs and Python development. Installs Git, some python dev tools (ipython, pip), NodeJs, apache2 and nginx. Also sets up a shared folder (see Vagrantfile - you'll need to remove/amend)


Install Vagrant and Puppet

$ gem install vagrant

See Puppet install page for instructions

Initialise base box

Add a base box (instructions from VagrantBox.es

$ vagrant box add ubuntu-maverick-64 http://mathie-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/maverick64.box
// Let's test
$ mkdir environsTest && cd environsTest
$ vagrant init ubuntu-maverick-64
$ vagrant up
// it worked
$ vagrant halt.


$ git clone https://github.com/lawrencec/environs
Edit the config.vm.share_folder property in the webdev/Vagrantfile to point to
the folder you want to share. 
$ cd environs
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Use as a base box

Packaging it up as a base box allows distribution as well as usage as a base box for other subsequent vms.

$ cd webdev
$ vagrant package --include Vagrantfile --base webdev-core 
$ vagrant box add webdev-core package.box
$ vagrant box list

Now you can use webdev.box as a base box

$ mkdir test_environment
$ cd test_environment
$ vagrant init webdev-core
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh


  • Various things but perhaps use some of the config at David Schmitt's repo and the Puppet forge
  • A CI environment