Home > envjs-site


Envjs-site is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

website code for env-js

To run dev server:

/path/to/appengine/bin/dev_appserver.sh /opt/webapps/envjs-site/

you should now be able to see:


To build your database visit these urls in order

http://localhost:8080/manage/reset http://localhost:8080/manage/syncdb

You should now be able to see:

http://localhost:8080/rest/ http://localhost:8080/rest/guides/ etc

If you edit your database through the rest interfaces or from the admin interfaces (add ?admin to the pages to see admin interfaces), then you can get a database dump from:


to deploy to production (first make sure to point at your own app engine id in WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml)

/path/to/appengine/appcfg.sh update /opt/webapps/envjs-site/

Currently we are only supporting AppEngine SDK 1.2.1, but it's only because we havent had time to catch up. You can help!

Good luck and have fun javascripting!

