Home > epublishing-rails-plugin-installer


Epublishing-rails-plugin-installer is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the View license.

An extension of standard rails plugin script to provide support for local file system and tgz files

= EpublishingRailsPluginInstaller - An extension of standard rails plugin script to provide support for local file system and tgz files

== Introduction

The standard rails 'plugin' script lacks support for installing from the local file system as well as installing tar.gz files. (The latter scenario greatly speeds up installation from http as the alternative is downloading each file, one-by-one.)

This class piggy-backs on the standard rails 'plugin' command and can be used as a complete replacement if so desired.

=== Installation

gem install epublishing-rails-plugin-installer

=== Git Repository


== Prerequisites

The EpublishingRailsPluginInstaller gem depends on rubygems and rails.

== Usage

epub-plugin install /some/location/on/the/disk epub-plugin install http://somewhere.com/foo/a_plugin.tgz epub-plugin install http://somewhere.com/foo/another_plugin.tar.gz

Author:: David McCullars mailto:[email protected] Copyright:: (C) 2011 ePublishing Licence:: GPL[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html]
