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Erleveldb is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the MIT license.

Erlang LevelDB Driver


This is a NIF to connect Erlang the LevelDB library released by Google. Its pretty basic so far and I haven't done much testing with it beyond asserting that the basic API works.


All types are formally defined in erleveldb.hrl.

Opaque Resource Types

db() -> term()
iterator() -> term()
write_batch() -> term()
snapshot() -> term()

Type Descriptions

  • dbname() will be used as the directory name that contains the database so you should consider filesystem constraints.
  • dbopts() affect how a database is opened and the various performance settings associated with that database.
  • ikey() and ival() are the types accepted as arguments for key/value arguments the entire API.
  • key() and val() although function arguments are allowed to be any iolist() erleveldb will always return values as simple binary()s.
  • readopts() control how individual read operations behave.
  • writeopts() control how individual write operations behave.
  • seek_dest() is used by the iterator to seek in key space. This can be an ikey() or one of the atoms first or last.

Valid values for the dbopts() proplist

  • create_if_missing Create a new database disk structure if the database does not exist.
  • error_if_exists Abort opening the database if it already exists.
  • paranoid_checks Instruct the database code to check extensively for corruption the the database files.
  • {write_buffer_size, pos_integer()} The amount of RAM in bytes to use to buffer writes before they are sorted and written to disk. Up to 2x the write_buffer_size may be stored in RAM at one time. The default is 4MiB.
  • {max_open_files, pos_integer()} The maximum number of files to keep open for accessing the database. The default is 100 open files.
  • {cache_size, pos_integer()} The amount of RAM in bytes to use as a cache for frequently read data blocks. The default is 8MiB.
  • {block_size, pos_integer()} The size of a data block when writing to disk. The default is 4KiB.
  • {block_restart_interval, post_integer()} The number of keys between restart points when delta encoding key prefixes. The default is 16. This option is usually left to the default.

Valid values for the readopts() proplist

  • verify_checksums Verify the checksums for data read during this request.
  • skip_cache Do not store data read into the block cache. This is mostly useful for bulk reads when you don't expect to reread the data quickly.
  • {snapshot, Snapshot} A database snapshot to read from. This will only return results that existed at a given state of the database.

Valid values for the writeopts() proplist

  • sync Call fsync(2) after the write operation to flush the operating system buffers to disk.
  • snapshot Returns {ok, snapshot()} where the snapshot refers to a logical point in time just after this write complete but before any other modification to the database.

Opening a database

open_db(dbname()) -> {ok, db()} | error().
open_db(dbname(), dbopts()) -> {ok, db()} | error().

This is pretty simple. By default open_db/1,2 expect that the database already exists. You can use the dbopts() to create the database and optionally return an error if it already exists.

Destroying a database

destroy_db(db()) -> ok.

The one caveat of this function is that the actual destruction is delayed until the db() reference has been garbage collected.

Storing and Retrieving Data

get(db(), ikey()) -> {ok, val()} | error().
get(db(), ikey(), readopts()) -> {ok, val()} | error().

put(db(), ikey(), ival()) -> ok | error().
put(db(), ikey(), ival(), writeopts()) -> ok | {ok, val()} | error().

del(db(), ikey()) -> ok | error().
del(db(), ikey(), writeopts()) -> ok | {ok, snapshot()} | error().

These are pretty standard get/put/delete operations that you would expect for any key/value store. The one added bonus is the support for snapshots which is explained below.

Database Iteration

iter(db()) -> {ok, iterator()} | error().
iter(db(), readopts()) -> {ok, iterator()} | error().

seek(iterator(), seek_dest()) -> {ok, {key(), val()}} | error().
next(iterator()) -> {ok, {key(), val()}} | error().
prev(iterator()) -> {ok, {key(), val()}} | error().

The values for readopts() are the same as above. This API is a bit wonky in so much as the seek/2 returns the first key/value pair in the iterator. This may change in the future.

Iterators also support the use of snapshots which are explained further below.

It is important to note that a database will not be closed until all iterators created from it are garbage collected.

Batched updates

batch(db()) -> {ok, write_batch()} | error().

wb_put(write_batch(), ikey(), ival()) -> ok | error().
wb_del(write_batch(), ikey()) -> ok | error().

wb_clear(write_batch()) -> ok | error().

wb_write(write_batch()) -> ok | error().
wb_write(write_batch(), writeopts()) -> ok | {ok, snapshot()} | error().

Batched updates can be used to apply a series of put and delete operations against a database as an atomic unit. The order of put and delete operations is executed in the order specified. Thus, if you call wb_put/3 with a key and then subsequently call wb_del/2 with the same key, that particular key will not exist after the write batch is applied. Calling wb_clear/1 will empty the queued set of operations from this write batch.

The writeopts() are the same as described above.

It is important to note that a database will not be closed until all write batches created from it have been garbage collected.


snapshot(db()) -> {ok, snapshot()} | error().

Snapshots are used to issue reads against a specific version of the database. They can be returned from the whatever the current version of the database happens to be with snapshot/1 or they can be returned from any of the three calls that make updates (put, del, wb_write).

To use a snapshot you just need to pass it to either of the read methods in their readopts() options proplist.

Multiple snapshots can exist for a given database at any given time. It is important to note that a database will not be closed until all snapshots are garbage collected.