Home > EStrongPassword


EStrongPassword is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, it's free.

Yii Strong Password Plugin for jQuery pstrength plugin

This is an extension to enable strong password validation based on the jQuery pstrength plugin, found here: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/pstrength

Items which can be configured through the javascript (see the jquery page for full details)

'defaults' : {
    'displayMinChar': true,
    'minChar': 8,
    'minCharText': 'You must enter a minimum of %d characters',
    'colors': ["#f00", "#c06", "#f60", "#3c0", "#3f0"],
    'scores': [20, 30, 43, 50],
    'verdicts': ['Weak', 'Normal', 'Medium', 'Strong', 'Very Strong'],
    'raisePower': 1.4
'ruleScores' : {
    'length': 0,
    'lowercase': 1,
    'uppercase': 3,
    'one_number': 3,
    'three_numbers': 5,
    'one_special_char': 3,
    'two_special_char': 5,
    'upper_lower_combo': 2,
    'letter_number_combo': 2,
    'letter_number_char_combo': 2
'rules' : {
    'length': true,
    'lowercase': true,
    'uppercase': true,
    'one_number': true,
    'three_numbers': true,
    'one_special_char': true,
    'two_special_char': true,
    'upper_lower_combo': true,
    'letter_number_combo': true,
    'letter_number_char_combo': true

Example usage:

labelEx($model,'password'); ?> $this->widget('ext.EStrongPassword.EStrongPassword', array('form'=>$form, 'model'=>$model, 'attribute'=>'password')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'password'); ?> </div>

By default, it will use the minified version of the javascript. If you wish NOT to use that, set useMin param to false in your configuration array.

To change the requirements, pass in your desired requirements as the 'requirementOptions' param, like so: <?php

            array('form'=>$form, 'model'=>$model, 'attribute'=>'password', 


GitHub Repo - http://github.com/DanaLuther/EStrongPassword
