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Evenless is a project mainly written in SHELL and C, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

A very minimal frontend to the 'notmuch' mail indexer that links in with 'mutt'.

The backstory is as follows: First there was sup. sup is a thread-based email indexer and client. It's very fast (which I like), but it's written in Ruby (which I don't, and I'm not the only one). So, in response to this came notmuch. notmuch imitates the back-end part of sup, but makes no effort to provide a front-end. I want to fill that place.

But, I don't want to read the many RFCs about email and MIME and such. I want this front-end to be PGP capable, but I don't to figure out how to do that. Thankfully, there's a program that already does all of these things, and it is mutt.

The concept of evenless, then, is that evenless provides a very slim front-end to notmuch: You can search for threads, and do tagging operations on them. But, if you want to do anything involving individual messages (like composing or reading them), evenless hands that job off to mutt.

notmuch, to be sure, doesn't do much, given that xapian and offlineimap handle most of what it does. But I'm pretty sure this program does even less than that. And thus was born 'evenless.'

Autotools should be functional, so ./configure; make; make install. For compilation you'll need 'libnotmuch' and 'libncurses'.

You'll need the 'notmuch' program. You'll also need mutt, and a way to send email from mutt. I recommend msmtp, but some people have had problems with it working with less-than-RFC-compliant SMTP servers. For notmuch to work, you'll need offlineimap. The configuration will be spread all over the place.

Have fun!

-George Silvis, III
