Home > ExtJS4.0Quickstart


ExtJS4.0Quickstart is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

A ready-to-go project using the latest developer preview/beta of Ext JS 4.0

ExtJS 4.0 Quickstart Guide

Looking to get started with Ext JS 4.0? Look no futher! This quickstart is a complete project ready for you to modify to your heart's content. It contains only the essentials. This means the few Ext Javascript files necessary for running an application in debug mode and the CSS necessary to display properly.

At the moment, the code released by Sencha seems to be using the old Ext 3.0 themes, so I'll work on migrating them to the 4.0, but I'm not sure how to use the build tools yet. If you know a thing or two about the theming, feel free to fork this project, make the changes, and send me a pull request! I'll do my best to keep this updated as Sencha releases the latest version of their 4.0 developer previews and beta releases!


The only file you really need to edit is app/app.js. The files are ordered so that all CSS files and the Ext Javascript files are under resources, and your Javascript files are under app. This seems like a decent directory structure, but since I'm new to Ext, let me know if you think that there is a better convention.

You can also edit the file resources/app/css/app.css if you want to make any changes to the default CSS or if you add your own components.

As soon as the build tools are released, I'm sure the directory structure will change, and I will do my best to go along with the standard that Sencha provides.


  • Thanks to tobiu on the Sencha forums for pointing me to some better documentation!
  • The biggest credit goes to Sencha Inc. for creating a cool and awesome product!


Please note, I am not affiliated with Sencha Inc. in any way shape or form. I just thought this would be a useful starting point for playing with Ext JS 4.0. If you are affiliated with Sencha Inc. and would like me to change anything about this project, please just let me know and I will make the changes ASAP.
