Home > EZ-Memcache-UDP


EZ-Memcache-UDP is a project mainly written in C and PHP, based on the View license.

A PHP extension memcache client designed around simplicity and performance and UDP.

EZ Memcache is a PHP extension designed around ease and performance. The idea was that most memcache client libraries are going in the direction of features, and not in the direction of performance. I've seen many solutions to performance, and antecdotes as to how one should actually utilize memcache to make it useful in your stupid WEB 2.0 environment.

This library is the culmination of what I have learned. The fundamental concepts this memcache client abides by are these:

  1. Implement what is commonly used.
  2. Leave out what is not used.
  3. Implement it simply.
  4. Implement it well.
  5. Chose performance over features.

I have decided that key distribution is an entirely different problem than the problem of actually getting and setting key/value pairs. And every company (horrible WEB2.0 companies are the primary users of memcache) wants a lot more control over key distribution than what is offered by any clients, and therefore it is most prudent to leave it out and instead offer up a basic memcache library that is very easy to build a distributed key-value system upon with reduced clutter.

People like UDP. For some reason, UDP has survived all this time. I had personally thought UDP was pretty stupid, but I did not realize the performance trade-off made by choosing stateful reliable flow control was really large enough to make any difference in normal use when I was younger. But I did not at all expect these stupid gigantic international web applications to be developed that handled millions of stupid users and allowed them to do millions of stupid things a second. I thought of UDP as relegated to RIP routing, DNS, chargen and time, and other useless ancient UNIX things. I see the use in UDP now, and I understand why it is important to support UDP. No other public memcache client offers a useful UDP interface.

This client does not offer persistent TCP connections. The idea is that this is a client designed for performance, and when the objects you are retrieving are large enough to warrant being fetched over TCP, then the additional overhead required to establish and maintain a TCP connection is not significant.

Not many people actually realize that Memcached does not infact support multi-packet UDP, and therefore when a packet exceeds the datalink frame-size (often ethernet which is approximately 1400 bytes) then the UDP packet is fragemented at the IP layer via IP fragementation. If you follow the spec and use memcache multi-packet UDP support, then the Memcached server will bitch. But since no public clients actually really support UDP anyways, you dont come across this issue. This creates a number of other issues. Any UDP request over 1400 bytes requires defragmentation, kernel-level state tracking and stuff, which inheriently is better left up to TCP, as the more you fragment a UDP packet, the more likely you will have unrecoverable packet loss.

Simply put, TCP makes sense for big objects and UDP makes sense for little objects. And I assert that big objects dont really benefit that much from persistent connetions in the first place (albiet, they do infact benefit, ever so slightly). I've opted instead to not currently support them. In the future, I may, without connection persistence, if they do not add too much complexity. I really wanna keep this E-Z.

Here is some configuration help. The following lines can be added to php.ini The default values for the ezmemcache configuration are specified here so that you know what they are if you choose to omit them.


[ezmemcache] default.port=11211 payload.max=1400

Building this is just like building any other extension.

phpize ./configure make sudo make install

Go ahead and review example.php for samples of how to work it, and also run the example code and make sure the tests look like they all pass.

php ./example.php

Also, please look at example.php because it contains a very short and very clear example of how to use each of the ezmemcache_* functions from php. Please be aware also that the server address field of the functions currently only supports IP address. In the name of performance, it should be clear to you that by specifying IP addresses, you will reduce the cost incurred by DNS lookups.

Thank You, Dina Marie Lolich [email protected]