Home > EZComment


EZComment is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Vim global plugin for manipulating comments

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2264

EZComment is a Vim global plugin for manipulating comments in code. It tries to both very flexible and very easy to use. EZComment provides mappings for two general kinds of tasks: inserting and editing text comments, and commenting/uncommenting actual code.

Use and customization of EZComment is discussed in detail in the provided help file. Here is the quick start information (from the documentation):

Here are some -very- brief hints about the mappings to get started quickly. The mappings try to remind you of standard Vim commands, so just try them! If something is not obvious, then check the documentation for details.

From normal mode: to make new comments |gca|, |gci|, |gco|, |gcO| to edit comments |gcA|, |gcC|

From visual mode, or from normal mode followed by {motion}: to comment code |gcc| to uncomment code |gcuc|

Please contact the author with comments, questions, or suggestions!
