Home > ezxpack


Ezxpack is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

Utility for repacking resource archives, used in EZX Motorola smartphones

Utility for repacking resource archives, used in Motorola EZX smartphones. There is perl script somewhere on the net for this, but it produces invalid archives.

Compilation: You'll need CMake build system, boost-filesystem and boost-program-options libraries for utility (for example cmake, libboost-filesystem, libboost-program-options packages in Ubuntu). Open terminal and go to directory with this README, and run following commands: mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make make install # either as root, or "sudo make install" in Ubuntu

Usage: ezxpack -o resources iconres.ezx - extract "iconres.ezx" to "resources" directory ezxpack -p -o iconres.ezx resources - pack "resources" directory to "iconres.ezx"

Uninstallation: You may uninstall ezxpack from system (like any other software, built with cmake) by running command "xargs rm < install_manifest.txt" from build directory.

This utility was written a while ago, compilation was tested only on Ubuntu 10.10, so if have some problems - let me know.
