Home > factory_rspec


Factory_rspec is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

test application, setting up factory_girl, shoulda and eventually rspec to work together


Notes on RSpec

If you don't install RSpec before you start generating scaffolds, models and controllers, you will end up with models and controllers that have no spec files generated (which is actually kinda obvious), while all the stuff generated after RSpec installation will have proper spec files, but no test files.

Let's say you've already generated a user model, or worse - a user scaffold, and now you don't have spec files for it. To fix this you should use a mutilated generate script:

<rails g model user field1:type1 field2:type2 --skip-migration --skip-fixtures --skip> or <rails g scaffold user field1:type1 field2:type2 --skip-fixtures --skip> The <--skip> part at the end is very important, it prevents an overwrite conflict and just skips the model and/or controller file generation. So it's like generating model without generating a model. Not pretty, but useful.
