Home > facts-cli


Facts-cli is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Command line interface based on Thor for the Facts sever project.


A simple command line client that leverages the API of the Facts server to manipulate a Facts database.


A working installation of the Facts server, ideally one for which you have credentials for write access. Additionally, you'll need working Ruby and Rubygems installations.


Installation is accomplished through Rubygems, and has been abstracted into a Simple rake task:

rake install


Usage takes the form of:

facts <action>_<object> <args> <options>

Where the combination of action and object create a task name such as edit_category or new_fact. Next, arguments for that task are submitted, and finally flags and other options that should be taken into account.

Each task name has a much shorter alias which is normally the first letter of the action combined with the first letter of the object such as ec or nf.


The following tasks are available:

  • configure: Configures a Facts connection and stores it to .factsrc.
  • daily_facts (d): Prints a daily digest of facts for consumption and memorization.
  • destroy_category (rc): Removes category(s).
  • destroy_fact (rf): Removes fact(s).
  • edit_category (ec): Edits the name of a category.
  • edit_fact (ef): Edits the content of a fact.
  • move_category (mc): Moves a category or set of categories to a new parent or to the root.
  • move_fact (mf): Moves a fact or set of facts to a new parent.
  • new_category (nc): Creates new category(s).
  • new_fact (nf): Creates new fact(s).
  • query_category (qc): Queries categories.
  • query_fact (qf): Queries facts.



Query for category information matching a specific pattern:

facts qc ruby

Query for a category by ID:

facts qc 123

Query for facts that have content matching a specific pattern:

facts qf "warren buffett"

Query for facts that match warren and finance:

facts qf warren finance

Query for facts that match warren or finance:

facts qf warren finance --or


Create a top-level category:

facts nc "Politics" --no-parent

Create a new child category by specifying a unique query for some parent category as the first argument:

facts nc "politics" "The Senate"

Multiple new categories can be created at once:

facts nc "politics" "Canadian Politics" "American Politics" ...

Facts can be created in a similar manner:

facts nf "politics" "Politicians are crooks"

Categories or facts can be edited with $EDITOR by leaving off all "new" arguments:

facts nf "politics"


Edit a category name by specifying a search string followed by the new name:

facts ec politics "Global Politics"

Same for facts but with content:

facts ef crooks "Politicians are lovely people"

Leave off the second argument to edit the new name/content with $EDITOR:

facts ec politics
facts ef crooks


Move one category to another (all arguments should be queries that will match only a single category):

facts mc "dinosaurs" "zoology"

Many categories can be moved at once, just keep in mind that the last argument is always the destination:

facts mc "biology" "physics" ... "science"

Facts are moved in the same fashion:

facts mf "biology is the study of" biology


Destroy facts or categories by specifying a series of search strings (each of which matches exactly one fact or category):

facts rc ruby
facts rf apple "steve jobs"


Send comments and suggestions to [email protected].
