Home > FastCGI-ajaxtime


FastCGI-ajaxtime is a project mainly written in C and JAVASCRIPT, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Web display of chess clock with moves from a chesstalk-0mqpubsub-module backend.

establish a ZeroMQ subscription ring with zmq_forwarder (see chesstalk-0mqpubsub-module) then have the included FastCGI-ajaxtime subscribe to the out portion of it, to receive all published moved events.

There will actually just be one chess client from the chesstalk binary using the chesstalk-0mqpubsub module, publishing to it.

accept FastCGI requests that are polling for the current move data and respond with it along with the clock and other status.





sudo apt-get install libfcgi-dev


The instructions below are peppered with info on compiling a recent zeromq installation.


Prep work for fastcgi-ajaxtime:

Install zeromq-2.0.10 or better manually someplace like /home/$USER/zeromq-2.0.10 if you haven't already:

sudo apt-get install uuid-dev tar xvfz zeromq-2.0.10.tar.gz cd zeromq-2.0.10 mkdir zerosum cd zerosum ../configure --prefix=$HOME/zeromq-2.0.10 make install


Compiling and installation of fastcgi-ajaxtime, just three steps:

Run these commands from the fastcgi-ajaxtime directory with README and configure.ac

libtoolize autoreconf --force --install


NOTE: The following instructions assume zeromq is installed in $HOME/zeromq-2.0.10 as the --prefix when that library was configured and installed.


Before continuing, confirm that you can pkg-config your zeromq installation:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/zeromq-2.0.10/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs libzmq

should return a clean response with a -L directory path and ending in -lzmq


mkdir decimate cd decimate

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/zeromq-2.0.10/lib/pkgconfig ../configure --prefix=$HOME/fastcgi-ajaxtime make make install


See the README.nginx-FastCGI text for configuring nginx and spawning a FastCGI process.
