Home > fbcontroller


Fbcontroller is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Wrapper for the JavaScript SDK for Facebook


Members: uid => User ID des Facebook Users token => app access token

Methods: isAuthorized => check if the facebook user is logged in and has accepted the needed app permissions

getUser => try to load the user and save it internally, no return value

revokeAuth([returnURL], [callback]) => revoke the app authentication and load if given the returnURL

requestPermission(permissions, [granted-callback], [denied-callback]) => asks the user for the permissions, permissions is a comma separated list of permissions (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/permissions/)

logout => logs out the current user

share(options, callback) => open the share dialog, options contains 'headline', 'link', 'imageURL', 'caption' and 'desc'. 'link' is mandatory

fqlQuery(query, callback) => evaluate a fql query, the result is returned in the callback

getFriends(callback) => get the friends id and name of the current user, the result is returned in the callback

getLoggedInUser(callback) => get information about the current user via the open graph, the result is returned in the callback

getLikes => get the Likes of the current user via the open graph, the result is returned in the callback

callGraphAPI(path, callback) => query a facebook open graph path, the result is returned in the callback