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FfCheck is a project mainly written in Lua, it's free.

WoW-Addon - Raid consumables check

ffCheck - Flask and Food check

This Addon checks the usage of flasks and food of your party/raid members and reports the results to chat (or just to yourself). The aim is to be as lightweight as possible.

It features automated raid size detection (so it will only check groups 1-2 in 10man and 1-5 in 25man) and only takes Cataclysm flasks as valid flasks (if you really need WotLK-Flasks, edit the LUA).

A DataBroker-Launcher is provided to run the check. There is also an option to run the check automatically when a ReadyCheck is started.

Usage: Either use the LDB launcher or create a macro with /ffcheck. Per default, Click reports locally, Shift-Click reports to chat.

Settings: Check the ingame options panel for configuration options.