Home > fgx-fgdata


Fgx-fgdata is a project mainly written in SHELL and PYTHON, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Mirror of FGx Data package

Welcome to the FlightGear Flight Simulator project.

The primary web page for this project is: http://www.flightgear.org

For basic installation instructions see the "INSTALL" file.

Before you can run FlightGear you will also need to download and install the "base" package which is a collection of textures, sounds, sample scenery, and other data files needed by the sim.

For additional install help for specific platforms please browse the "docs-mini/" subdirectory.

More complete documentation is available from our web page as a separate distribution.

Please take a look at the "Thanks" file for a list of people who have contributed to this project. If you have contributed something but don't find your name in this file. Please send a polite reminder to http://www.flightgear.org/~curt

For a summary of changes/additions by version see the "NEWS" file.

This project is GPL'd. For complete details on our licensing please see the "COPYING" file.

For information on available mailing lists, mailing list archives, and other available source code and documentation, please visit our web site.

FlightGear is a product of the collaboration of large international group of volunteers. FlightGear is a work in progress. FlightGear comes with no warranty. We hope you enjoy FlightGear and/or find it of some value!
