Home > FileResourcesManager


FileResourcesManager is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

makes using the same files in many different ruby apps a snap! Instead of YAML::load(File.read("/User/me/some/long/directory/filename.yml")) you can now use FileResourceManager.get("login") easy peasy

FileResourcesManager helps manage global application file_resources stored in

a file by giving the application a central location and

consistent interface no matter where the data is stored

FileResourcesManager needs a central place to store it's file, the default

is in the ~/.app_file_resources directory, but it will use the

APP_SETTINGS environment variable for the directory instead

if the directory does not exist it will be created on the

first get or set or if you call FileResourcesManager.ensure_main_file_resources_file_exists


FileResourcesManager.set("business_database",{:adapter => "mysql",:host => "database",...})

saves the business database file_resources to the business_database.yml file

in the ~/.app_file_resources directory

FileResourcesManager.get("business_database")[:adapter] => "mysql

retrieves all the file_resources from the file


sets the location for future file_resources to the file "values.yml" at /var/myapp

Full Example:

require 'rubygems' #if not in path and ruby version before 1.9.*

require 'file_resources_manager'


FileResourcesManager.set("my_login",{ :username => "JockOfCode",:password => "1235711"})


#later in program, or in another program...

info = FileResourcesManager.get("my_login")
