Home > filogenetic


Filogenetic is a project mainly written in PERL and SHELL, it's free.

Tools for evaluating and processing filarial worm assemblies

Tools for evaluating and processing filaric worm assemblies

(c) Daniel Nilsson 2009-2010.

Released under the Perl Artistic License 2.0.

Some of the main programs have embedded Plain Old Documentation. Use e.g. perldoc or the pod2* programs (pod2html, pod2man, pod2txt, ...) to view these.

perldoc evaluate_assembly.sh perldoc trim.sh perldoc pipelinefunk.sh

Some data is archived in the data dir.

Contact: daniel.nilsson.NO/SPAM.scilifelab.se, daniel.nilsson.NO/SPAM.ki.se daniel.k.nilsson.NO/SPAM.gmail.com
