Home > Final


Final is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Computation + Journalism final project

NAME At A Glance - A news summarization service

USAGE AtAGlance feed_url index_file summaries_directory

PARAMETERS feed_url - The URL of the RSS feed to pull articles from

index_file          - The file path for the index.html file

summaries_directory - The file path for the directory to store the
              article summary files

FILES AtAGlance - The run script

README              - This README file

    TerracedNews.java - The driver Java class which runs the
                system, calling the RSSReader every 5
                minutes to download the latest articles
                then generate the necessary HTML files

makefile            - The system build file

manifest.mf         - The manifest file for the generated JAR file

    Atom.java         - A supporting Java class, used to store
                article metadata

    RSSReader.java    - A supporting Java class, used to download
                and parse the target RSS feed

LIBRARIES Classifier4J-0.6.jar - The Classifier4J library

rssutils.jar         - The RSS Utilities library

SETUP run "make"

RUNNING THE DEMO run "./AtAGlance http://feeds.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/rss index.html summaries/"
