Home > Find-Links-In-Tweets-With-Hashtag


Find-Links-In-Tweets-With-Hashtag is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Command line twitter client that prints unique links in tweets that contain a given hashtag.

= find_links.rb find_links.rb is a twitter client script that searches the 100 most recent tweets with links, for a supplied hashtag. The script ignores links to hashtags and twitter profiles and tries to print only user entered links.

== Requirements
find_links.rb has been tested and works on MacOSX 10.6.7 using the following ruby implementations: ruby 1.8.7, ruby 1.9.2, jruby 1.6.0(In both 1.8 and 1.9 modes). I expect it to work on other platforms without modification.

find_links.rb depends on version 1.4.4 or greater of the nokogiri gem. Install with "gem install nokogiri". For more info on nokogiri, Visit http://www.nokogiri.org

== Usage
Run the script by passing a single alphanumeric hashtag as the argument. eg. ruby find_links.rb radiohead

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Joey Adarkwah
