Home > Flagship_RWD


Flagship_RWD is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Development of new responsive web layout for Flagship (www.adventist.org)

Flagship Responsive Web Development

The Flagship_RWD repository is a collaborative project to mature the layout of adventist.org to a competitive standard.

What exists currently is a template which is being refined for usage as a third version of adventist.org. Upon reaching a point, it will then expand to contain transitional versions between 2.0 and 3.0, introducing changes without disorienting users.

Upon completion, we will release the repository to the public for the expressed intent of providing a functional, attractive template at no cost to all interested in developing sites for Adventist entities and organizations. Additionally, this release we hope will encourage open source development of Adventist online presence from the headquarters to the individual church member.


index.html (sample html) styles.css (single stylesheet to control which /css stylesheets are called) /css (css stylesheets) /images (all graphics) /js (javascript)
