Home > flask-kitchensink


Flask-kitchensink is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Script that bundles flask and dependencies with an example project

              // Flask-Kitchensink //

         Example project plus dependencies

~ What is this?

  This repository contains a script that builds a zip archive
  of Flask, Werkzeug and Jinja2 together with an example
  project that shows how Flask can be used.

~ Why?

  Because the longer it takes people to dive into a project
  the less likely it will be that they even try.  Some other
  frameworks lower the barrier a lot by providing just a
  single file to download and get started.

~ What do I need?

  OS X, Linux or Windows with an installed Python interpreter.
  The files here are ment for developers of the script only,
  Flask and the Kitchensink can be downloaded from the Flask