Home > FlexPilotWorkshop


FlexPilotWorkshop is a project mainly written in ACTIONSCRIPT and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

FlexPilot Setup Example

This assumes that you have python installed and are using Firefox 3.6.

Step By Step Setup Instructions

  1. Make a folder on your desktop called 'flexpilot'.

  2. Go and download the Adobe Fles SDK (version 3.5) from [here]("http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/download?build= "). Make sure this is in the flexpilot folder or add it to your path.

  3. From this repo download index.html and new_test.mxml into the flexpilot folder as well.

  4. Compile the flexpilot.mxml with mxmlc from the Adobe SDK, like so:

    flex_sdk/bin/mxmlc new_test.mxml

  5. Start a web server with:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer

  6. Go to localhost:8000 and confirm that everything is present and working.

  7. Go to the FlexPilot repo here in the downloads section download FlexPilot-3-stable.swf into the flexpilot folder.

  8. Also, download the FPBootstrap.zip, extract it and move the lib folder into the flexpilot folder.

  9. Now open up flexpilot.mxml and modify the application tag so that it will call the FPBootstrap code when the application is loaded, like this:

  10. Within the script tags import FPBootstrap and define the init() function:

    import org.flex_pilot.FPBootstrap

    private function init():void { FPBootstrap.flex_pilotLibPath = 'FlexPilot-3-stable.swf' FPBootstrap.init(stage) }

  11. Now recomplile flexpilot.mxml, specifying that the compiler should look in the lib directory for source:

    flex_sdk/bin/mxmlc -source-path=. -source-path+=lib flexpilot.mxml

  12. Resart the python server and check to see that everything looks OK, and there are no 404s. You should see FlexPilot-3-stable.swf being served by the server. If its a 404 check your paths.

  13. To make sure everything is set up correctly go into Firebug and run:


  14. This should output 'function' which means that everything is set up and we can start testing. If it returns undefined then something went wrong.

  15. Go to the SeleniumHQ page and download the Selenium IDE v1.0.10, as well as Selenium Server v2.0b3.

  16. Now go to the FlexPilot X repo and download plugin v0.83 as well as the Python client driver which is in the client folder under Python and user-extensions.js.

  17. Put the selenium.py and user-extensions.js files you just downloaded into your flexpilot folder.

  18. Now open up the Selenium IDE and try recording a test. Click, Type, etc. Once this is working somewhat add a few commands to the test at the very beginning. First add 'open /' which will reload the page at the beginning of the test. Second, add the waitForFlexRead command which prevents the test from running until Flex is ready to go. Without this the tests just pass.

  19. Now once your test is working cick File > Export Test Case as > Python save this file in your flexpilot folder.

  20. You should now be ready to run the test from Selenium RC, on the cammand line enter your flexpilot folder and type:

    java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js

  21. This should start the Selenium server without any errors, it will fail if there is already and instance of the server running.

  22. If everything is good at this point go into your flexpilot folder and run your test that you just exported:

    python yourtest.py

  23. This should launch a browser, run your test, and close the browser. It is likely that this test will fail at this point due to the fact that flex appends a random integer to the end of component names each time you compile your swf. So, If you have compiled your swf again for some reason since you saved your test the locators for the components will now probably be wrong, and the test will fail. In order to deal with this you can replace the random integers in yourtest.py with a wildcard, represented by and asterisk (*).

  24. Replace all random integers with an asterisk and run the test again. This should now work fine and if it doesn't something else is likely wrong.

  25. Test a bunch of stuff and you're done!