Home > flexunit_puremvc_testcase


Flexunit_puremvc_testcase is a project mainly written in ActionScript, based on the MIT license.

A base TestCase which adds PureMVC support to FlexUnit tests for testing Flex/ActionScript projects

= PureMvcTestCase

This TestCase class allows testing of PureMVC code through FlexUnit. The style is intended to mirror EventfulTestCase (another extension to FlexUnit).

== Installation

Installation is easy! Just drop the file into an appropriate directory:

  1. Create the following directory structure under your flex project: test/org/puremvc/as3/test
  2. Copy the file PureMvcTestCase.as into this new directory.
  3. Ensure that your compiler settings will look in that directory.

You should now be able to import PureMvcTestCase into your test classes.

== How do I use it?

When creating your test class, have it extend PureMvcTestCase.

Here are the methods which are made available:

* expectNotification(notificationName:String) 
      Sets up the expectation that a notification is sent with the passed name. Can be called multiple times to set the expectation for multiple notifications.
* assertExpectedNotificationsOccurred(userMessage='') 
      Asserts that all expected notifications were sent. The userMessage parameter indicates an optional message to be prepended for a failure message.
* lastActualNotification
      Property which represents the last notification which was sent (the last actual notification).

== Example Test Class

The following is an example of the kind of test you can write:

public class ChuckProxyTest extends PureMvcTestCase { private var chuck:ChuckProxy = new ChuckProxy();

public function testShouldSendFlashNotificationWhenSeeingTerrorist():void
    var terrorist:Terrorist = new Terrorist();


    // asserts FLASHED notification was sent
    // asserts notification body was the terrorist
    assertEquals(terrorist, lastActualNotification.getBody());
