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Flick is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the BSD-2-Clause license.

The Simple Solution to Screen Sharing

Flick Project

Flick seeks to provide its users with the best universal method to share their screens' windows with remote machines.


The "New BSD License," as defined by the Open Source Initiative, governs Flick's availability. [1] [2]

Contributors to Flick may add their names (and email address) to the Project's ./AUTHORS file, if they so choose.

[1]: At OSI's website: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license [2]: Full text included in ./COPYING

Source Code

In accordance with the above, Flick's source code is publicly available. [3]

One may retrieve it by issuing the following command:

$ git clone git://github.com/hagemt/flick.git

[3]: Viewable online: https://www.github.com/hagemt/flick