Home > FlickrFree-Library


FlickrFree-Library is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Android library which provides access to the Flickr API (forked from FlickrFree project)

FlickrFree Library

FlickrFree Library is an Android library which aims to provide access to the Flickr API.

It has been forked from FlickrFree project

Installation using Eclipse

  1. Clone the library sources

    git clone  [email protected]:tbruyelle/FlickrFree-Library.git
  2. Import the sources in Eclipse File -> New -> Android Project

  3. Add the library in your project properties -> Android -> Library -> Add -> FlickrFree-Library


To authenticate you need to :

  1. Instantiate a FlickrConnect class

    FlickrConnect flickrConnect = new FlickrConnect( this );       
  2. check if already logged in, if not, call the authorize method, and pass your Flickr app parameters.

    /* check the authentification */
    if ( mFlickrConnect.IsLoggedIn() )
        /* auth OK */
        /* auth need to be done */
        flickrConnect.authorize( this, getString( R.string.app_name ), 
                                                  getString( R.string.api_key ),
                                                  getString( R.string.api_secret ), 
                                                  getString( R.string.auth_url ), 
                                                  AUTHENTICATE ); 
  3. Override the onActivityResult to retrieve the authentication result.

    protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data )
    super.onActivityResult( requestCode, resultCode, data );
    switch ( requestCode )
        case AUTHENTICATE:
            if ( resultCode == FlickrConnect.AUTH_SUCCESS )
                Toast.makeText( this, "Auth OK !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
                Toast.makeText( this, "Auth KO !", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();

You can also look at the FlickrWidget project, to see how to use this library.

Available flickr methods

  • flickr.auth.checkToken with flickrConnect.isLoggedIn()
  • flickr.photos.getInfo with flickrConnect.getPhotoInfo( String photoId )
  • flickr.activity.userPhotos with flickrConnect.getActivityUserPhotos( String userId, String timeFrame, String perPage, String page )
  • flickr.activity.userComments with flickrConnect.getActivityUserComments( String userId, String perPage, String page )