Home > fluttr-cli


Fluttr-cli is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Command-line client for fluttrly written in python.

Fluttr CLI

This project is a small library written in python for interacting with the fluttrly service. Also provided is a program designed to act as a command line interface to this library. The library could be used to write other python programs that interact with fluttrly, or for small scripting jobs for manipulating fluttrly lists.

The CLI client is designed to take a fluttrly list as its first argument, and some subcommand as the second argument. Omitting the subcommand will display the list. The subcommands include add, rm, and toggle. Here is an example of how to interact with the CLI:

 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli     
 Nothing to do!
 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli add Write more documentation
 1) [ ] Write more documentation
 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli add Help an old lady across the street
 1) [ ] Help an old lady across the street
 2) [ ] Write more documentation
 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli add Change the oil
 1) [ ] Change the oil
 2) [ ] Help an old lady across the street
 3) [ ] Write more documentation
 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli toggle 3
 1) [ ] Change the oil
 2) [ ] Help an old lady across the street
 3) [X] Write more documentation
 bensonk@localhost $ ./fluttr.py fluttr-cli rm 2
 1) [ ] Change the oil
 2) [X] Write more documentation

Bug reports, feature requests, and especially patches are welcome. :-)
