Home > flyerconnect


Flyerconnect is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

FlyerConnect Libraries

This set of libraries is a simple framework dealing with Facebook integration. It is rich in HTML5, CSS3 and very dependent on modern browsers, with fallback compatibility to less featured browser systems and layout engines.

It consists of several components


These are collections of opensource public API libraries (ie: Facebook) as well as some more specific libraries for use on FlyerConnect.

The purpose of making all this code public is to promote community additions to the code, continuously improving the user experience.


Want to contribute? Great! There are two ways to add markups.


If you are comfortable with object-oriented PHP and MySQL (especially the MySQLi library), please feel free to contact one of the developers - or make a fork/pull request straight from GitHub. Commits to GitHub will be taken into account when updating the official FlyerConnect Serivce

Frontend - HTML/CSS

Feel free to download or pull a copy of this code to your own system and port it over. Most of the HTML and CSS is located inside private/html, with some bits and pieces in resources.

Frontend - JavaScript

We'd really like some help on optimizing and streamlining the JavaScript for browsers, since this is often times the worst bottleneck when it comes to performance.

Check it out inside the resources folder.



  • index.php HTML snippets moved to /private/html/ snippet file
  • version updated on both authenticate and index mainfiles
  • comments updated for readability
  • style updates on css pages