Home > flymake-erl


Flymake-erl is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Emacs flymake support for Erlang respecting Emakefiles

Emacs flymake support for Erlang. Flymake enables on the fly compilation for development purposes and recolors lines with warnings and errors in actual Emacs buffer.

This flymake-erl script walks a directory tree up, starting where the actual Erlang file is stored. It searches for Emakefile, looking for clauses which matches file to be compiled. This way it respects flags written in Emakefile and allows proper inclusion of .hrl files.

Emacs setup:

(require 'flymake) (defun flymake-erlang-init () (list "PATH-TO-" (list buffer-file-name))) (add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks '(".erl'" flymake-erlang-init)) (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook)

place it somewhere below your common erlang-mode/erlware-mode initializations. Replace PATH-TO- with full path to flymake-erl script.

Erlware-mode users:

Erlware mode has it's own flymake support, but that version does not respect Emakefile specifying how to compile your Emacs Erlang buffer. Open erlware's erlang.el, find line with (load "erlang-flymake") and comment it.

Current limitation:

Emakefile's format specifying what/how to compile is a tuple - it uses 1st element as a list of match patterns specifying to what files the compile options apply. Only standalone wildcard is implemented currently (). In short, this in Emakefile works: 'app/amazon/src/' 'app/amazon/src/some_file.erl'

but something else wouldn't: 'app/amazon/src/some_*'

Let me know if this is a problem, or ideally extend fun implies_elem/1 (and send back to me ;-)

LICENSE: public domain
